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Our products >

Nowadays, most of the so-called wild products are in fact produced in industrial farms.

The same applies to some saprophitic mushrooms (oyster, shii-take, agaricus…..)

The mushrooms and the wild plants and fruits we offer are not a part of this reality. Most of the mushrooms we pick are symbiotic and cannot be cultivated, and all our products are picked in the wild.

Picking is the only way to get these wild delicacies which really deserve to be labelled as Wild Products.






These fresh products of Nature are normally available from April to November, depending on the species and the weather.

Nature is beyond our control and that is a good thing!

Our dried products are available all year round.

We offer our different products in retail for Specialty stores and Organic Food Stores, but also in bulk for Chefs, Caterers, Artisans or Food Processors.

Contact us to receive our catalogues !